This mode is used to select a steel grade for the designed structure and its members and contains two tabs: Structural Steels and Plates and Pipes, which contain a list of steel grades according to EN 10025-2:2004, EN 10025-3:2004, EN 10025-4:2004, EN 10025-5:2004, EN 10025-6:2004, as well as EN 10210-1:2006 and EN 10219-1:2006, and reference data on the characteristic values of the yield strength (fy) and the ultimate strength (fu), corresponding to the steel grade selected from the list.
When the Steel mode is invoked
from the design modes by clicking the button,
a third tab, User Defined Steel
is added. It enables to specify the values of the yield and ultimate strength
different from the standard ones.
The Apply button is used to transfer the properties of the selected steel grade to the active design mode (from which the Steel mode has been invoked). This grade will be used to assess the load-bearing capacity.