Materials for Welding

This mode is used to select welding materials for the structure being designed. The selection procedure complies with Table 55* of SNiP II-23-81* and Sec. 6.4 and Annex D of SP 53-102-2004 (or Sec. 5.4 and Annex D to SP 16.13330, Annex G of DBN B.2.6-163:2010, Annex E of DBN B.2.6-198:2014).

The Application Conditions tab contains two groups of data.

The Welded structure group is used to specify the number of the group this structure belongs to according to Table 50 of SNiP II-23-81*, Annex C of SP 53-102-2004 (SP 16.13330), Annex F of DBN B.2.6-163:2010, Annex D of DBN B.2.6-198:2014 or according to the results of the Steel mode, and steel the structure is made of.

The second group is used to specify the climatic region according to GOST 16350-80 when SNiP is selected, and the design temperature and the welding technology when SP is selected.

Once you have specified all the data in the first tab, open the next one by clicking on the Materials for Welding tab.

The Materials for Welding tab contains a list of recommended materials. If the Materials for Welding mode has been invoked from a design mode, then after clicking the Apply button the properties of the selected materials will be used in the analysis of structural members.