Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of a Section of an Axially Compressed Weakened Element with a Symmetric Weakening Reaching the Edge

Objective: Check of the calculation of the resistance of sections.

Task: Verify the correctness of the stability analysis of normal sections.

References: Nasonov S.B. Manual on design and analysis of building structures. – M: ASV Publishing House, 2013. – p. 67-68.

Initial data file:
Example 5.SAV;
report – Decor 5.doc.

Software version: DECOR, 17.02.2016.

Compliance with the codes: SNiP ІІ-25-80, SP 64.13330.2011.

Initial data from the source:

b×h = 15×20 cm Section sizes of the element
а = 20 mm Height of the weakened section (Fig. 1)
l = 4 m Member length
μx = μy = 1 Effective length factors
N = 100 kN Compressive force
Material of the element: pine.
Grade of wood: 2.
Operating conditions class: 1 (А2 according to SNiP ІІ-25-80).


DECOR initial data:


Importance factor γn = 1

Service factors

Service factor  for temperature and humidity operating conditions mВ


Allowance for the temperature conditions of operation mТ


Allowance for the duration of loading md


Service factor under short-term loads mn


Factor that allows for the effect of impregnation with protective substances mа


Wood species - Pine
Grade of wood - 2
Limit slenderness of members in tension - 200
Limit slenderness of members in compression - 120
Member length 4 m
Effective length factor in the XoY plane - 1

Effective length factor in the XoZ plane - 1


b = 150 mm
h = 200 mm

Non-glued timber section


Weakening reaching the edge
Area of the weakening - 60 cm2


N = -100 kN
My = 0 kN*m
Qz = 0 kN
Mz = 0 kN*m
Qy = 0 kN

Comparison of solutions:


Example 5.SAV

Report file

Decor 5.doc


Stability in the XOY plane under a longitudinal force


1,19/1,5 = 0,793



Deviation, %

0,4 %


  1. The area of the weakening in the section is determined as 2(а×b) =  2 ∙ (2×15) = 60 cm2.
  2. Service factor for 1 (А2) class mв = 1 (table 5 of SNiP ІІ-25-80, table 7 of SP 64.13330.2011).
  3. Limit slenderness of the compressed element is equal to λmax = 120 (table 14 of SNiP ІІ-25-80, table 17 of SP 64.13330.2011).