Calculation of the Load-bearing Capacity of the Column under Axial Compression

Objective: Check of the load-bearing capacity of the column under axial compression

Task: Check the capacity of masonry of the column under axial compression.

References: Nasonov S.B. Manual for Design and Analysis of Building Structures. M: ASV Publishing House, 2013, p. 181.

Initial data file:

Example 6.SAV
Example 6 mechnical.SAV
Example 6 fire.SAV

report – ComeIn 6 Nasonov.doc.
report – ComeIn 6 Nasonov-mechanical.doc.
report – ComeIn 6 Nasonov-fire.doc.

Compliance with the codes: SP 15.13330.2012 

Initial data:

lo = 4,5 m Column height
h = 380 mm Cross-sectional height
b = 510 mm Cross-sectional width
N = 200 kM Design load on the wall

Brick grade


Mortar grade


KAMIN initial data:

Importance factor  γn = 1

Age of masonry - up to a year
Working life is 25 years
Stone/brick - Molded clay brick
Stone/brick grade - 150
Mortar - regular cement with mineral plasticizers
Mortar grade - 50


Column height 4,5 m
Longitudinal force 200 kN
Factor for sustained load 1


Effective height in the XoY plane

Effective height in the XoZ plane

Bracing scheme
Effective height factor 1

Bracing scheme
Effective height factor 1

Comparison of solutions:


Stability under axial compression


200/234,2 = 0,854



Deviation, %

0,7 %