Strength and Stiffness Analysis of Stringers for a Complex Stub Girder System

1 – stringer
2 – secondary beam

Objective: Check the mode for the beam analysis in the “Steel” postprocessor of SCAD.

Task: Select a rolled I-beam for the stringers with a span of 4,5 m in a complex stub girder system. The top chord of the stringers is continuously restrained by the floor plate.

Source: Steel Structures: Student Handbook / [Kudishin U.I., Belenya E.I., Ignatieva V.S and others] - 13-th ed. rev. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2011. p. 183.

Compliance with the codes: SNiP II-23-81*, SP 16.13330.2011, DBN B.2.6-163:2010.

Initial data file:

3.2 Beam_Example_3.2.spr;
report – 3.2 Beam_Example_3.2.doc


Initial data:

а = 1,0 m Spacing of stringers;
qн = (0,77 + 20) kN/m2 ×1   = 20,77 kN/m Total characteristic load;
q1 = 1,05×0,77 kN/m2 ×1 m = 0,8085 kN/m Design permanent load;;
q2 = 1,2×20 kN/m2 ×1   = 24 kN/m Design temporary load;
Ry = 23 kN/cm2, Steel grade C235;
l = 4,5 м Beam span;
[ f ] = 1/250×4,5 m = 18 mm Limit deflection;
γc = 1 Service factor;
Wx = 288,33 cm3 Selected I-beam No.24 GOST 8239-89.
Ix = 3460 cm4.  


SCAD Results. STEEL Postprocessor:

[Element No. 1] Forces


Max. 0 T
Snap 0 m

Max. 0 Т
Snap 0 m


Max. 0 T*m
Snap 0 m

Max. 6,4 T*m
Snap 2,25 m


Max. 0 T*m
Snap 0 m

Max. 0 T*m
Snap 0 m


Max. 0 T*m
Snap 0 m

Max. 0 T*m
Snap 0 m


Max. 5,69 T
Snap 0 m

Max. -5,69 T
Snap 4,5 m


Max. 0 T
Snap 0 m

Max. 0 T
Snap 0 m

Length of the bar 4,5 m
Length of the flexible part 4,5 m
Loading L1 - "1"



[Element No. 1] Deflections











Max. -18,58 mm
Snap 2,25 m

Length of the bar 4,5 m
Length of the flexible part 4,5 m
Loading L1 - "1"


Analysis complies with SNiP II-23-81*
Structural member beam


Steel: C235

Importance factor 1
Service factor 1
Limit slenderness for members in compression: 180
Limit slenderness for members in tension: 300
Member length 4,5 m
Effective length factor  XoZ -- 1
Effective length factor  XoY -- 1
Length between out-of-plane restraints 0,01 m



Profile: I-beam with sloped inner flange surfaces GOST 8239-89  24




Utilization factor


Strength under action of bending moment My



Strength under action of lateral force Qz



Strength under combined action of longitudinal force and bending moments, no plasticity



Stability of in-plane bending



Limit slenderness in XoY plane



Limit slenderness in XoZ plane



Utilization factor 0,95 - Strength under action of bending moment My

Manual calculation:

1. Design bending moment acting in the beam span:

\[ M_{\max } =\frac{q_{\Sigma } l^{2}}{8}=\frac{\left( {0,8085+24} \right)\cdot 4,5^{2}}{8}=62,7965 \quad kNm. \]

2. Necessary beam section modulus assuming that the deformations of steel are elastic:

\[ W=\frac{M_{\max } }{R_{y} }=\frac{62,7965\cdot 100}{23}=273,028 \quad cm^{3}. \]

3. Maximum deflection occurring in the middle of the beam span:

\[ f_{\max } =\frac{5}{384}\cdot \frac{q_{н} l^{4}}{EI_{x} }=\frac{5}{384}\cdot \frac{20,77\cdot 4,5^{4}}{2,06\cdot 10^{5}\cdot 10^{3}\cdot 3460\cdot 10^{-8}}=15,56 \quad mm. \]


Comparison of solutions:


Strength under action of lateral force

Strength under action of bending moment

Stability of in-plane bending under moment

Maximum deflection

Manual calculation

not defined

273,028/288,33 = 0,947

not defined

15,56/18 = 0,864





18,58/1,1944/18 = 0,864

Deviation, %







  1. The check of tangential stresses was not performed in the manual calculation due to the absence of weakenings and a relatively large thickness of the beam webs.
  2. The check of the general stability of the beam was not performed in the manual calculation, because the compressed beam chord is restrained against lateral displacements out of the bending plane by a welded floor plate.
  3. The check of the beam strength taking into account the development of the limited plastic deformations was not performed, because according to the codes this calculation is possible only when the beam web has stiffeners. In the initial data of the example the stringer was specified without any intermediate stiffeners.