Plane Truss Subjected to Force, Thermal and Kinematic Actions

Objective: Determination of the stress-strain state of a truss subjected to force, thermal and kinematic actions.

Initial data file: SSLL12_v11.3.spr

Problem formulation: The two-span truss is loaded by two concentrated forces FE and FF in the nodes of the top chord, uniformly heated across all cross-sections of its elements by the value of ΔT and subjected to the displacement of its supports by the values of vA, vB and vC. Determine the longitudinal force N in the support diagonal BD and vertical displacement v (Z) in the point D of its joint with the bottom chord and the lattice members.

References: M. Laredo, Resistence des materiaux, Paris, Dunod, 1970, p.579.

Initial data:


Lattice members A1:
EF = 2.961·108 Н - axial stiffness;

Elements of the top and bottom chords, support diagonals and support vertical A2:
EF = 5.922·108 N - axial stiffness;

Elements modeling the constraints in the support nodes in the directions vA, vB and vC (null elements):
EF = 1010 N - axial stiffness;

Boundary conditions:
θ = 30º - angle of the support area in the node C;

Properties of the material:
α = 10-5 1/ºC - linear expansion coefficient

Loads and actions:
FE = 1.5·105 N  
FF = 1.0·105 N  
ΔT = 150 ºC  
vA = 0.020 m  
vB = 0.030 m  
vC = 0.015 m.  


Finite element model: Design model – plane hinged bar system. Lattice members: A1 – 8 elements of type 1, elements of the top and bottom chords, support diagonals and support vertical A2 – 9 elements of type 1; elements modeling the constraints in the support nodes in the directions vA, vB and vC – 3 elements of type 154. Boundary conditions in the direction uA are provided by imposing the respective rigid constraint. Number of nodes in the design model – 13.

Results in SCAD

Design and deformed models

Values of vertical displacements v (Z) (m)


Values of longitudinal forces N (N)

Comparison of solutions:




Deviations, %

Vertical displacement vD (Z), m




Longitudinal force NBD, N


