Linear Statics
- Plane Truss Subjected to a Concentrated Force
- Plane Hinged Bar System Subjected to a Concentrated Force
- Plane Truss Subjected to Force, Thermal and Kinematic Actions
- Cantilever Beam Subjected to a Concentrated Load
- Cantilever Beam Subjected to a Concentrated Shear Force
- Plane Hinged Bar System with Elements of Different Material Subjected to Temperature Variation
- Plane Hinged Bar System with Elements of the Same Material Subjected to Temperature Variation
- Spatial Hinged Bar System Subjected to a Concentrated Force
- Vertical Cantilever Bar of Square Cross-Section with Longitudinal and Transverse Concentrated Loads at Its Free End
- Simply Supported Beam Subjected to a Concentrated Force and Uniformly Distributed Pressure
- Three-Step Simply Supported Beam Subjected to Concentrated Forces
- Doubly Clamped Beam Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Load
- Doubly Clamped Beam Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Load, Concentrated Longitudinal and Shear Forces and a Bending Moment
- Two-Span Simply Supported Beam with an Intermediate Compliant Support Subjected to Concentrated Shear Forces Applied in the Middle of the Spans
- Beam on the Elastic Horizontal Subgrade Subjected to Concentrated Vertical Forces
- Simply Supported Beam on the Elastic Horizontal Subgrade Subjected to a Vertical Uniformly Distributed Load, Concentrated Vertical Force and Bending Moment
- Doubly Clamped Beam Subjected to the Transverse Displacement of One of its Ends
- Plane System of Two Coaxial Bars Subjected to Temperature Variation
- Stress-Strain State of a Simply Supported Beam Subjected to Longitudinal-Transverse Bending
- System of Cross Bars Subjected to a Distributed Load and a Concentrated Force in Their Plane
- Cantilever Frame Subjected to a Concentrated Force
- Single-Span Simply Supported Plane Frame with a Dual-Pitched Girder Subjected to a Vertical Uniformly Distributed Load, Concentrated Vertical and Horizontal Forces and a Bending Moment
- Spatial Bar System with Elastic Constraints Subjected to a Concentrated Force
- Ring Subjected to a Distributed Load Acting in Its Plane
- Simply Supported Semicircular Arch of Constant Cross-Section Subjected to a Concentrated Force Acting in Its Plane
- Strain State of a Split Circular Ring Subjected to Two Mutually Perpendicular Forces Px and Py, Acting in the Plane of the Ring
- Cantilever Curved Beam with a Transverse Concentrated Force at Its Free End
- Cantilever Circular Bar of Constant Cross-Section with Concentrated Forces and a Moment Acting in Its Plane at Its Free End
- Cantilever Circular Bar of Constant Cross-Section with a Concentrated Force out of Its Plane at Its Free End
- Single-Span Beam with a Prestressed Tie Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Load
- Two-Span Single-Storey Frame Subjected to a Constant Transverse Unit Force Moving Along the Girder Spans with a Small Speed. Plotting of Influence Lines of Internal Forces in the Frame Sections
- Bending of a Rectangular Deep Beam Rigidly Suspended along the Sides Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Load Applied to Its Upper Side
- Pure Bending of a Square Plate in the Plane Stress State Clamped on One Side and Simply Supported in the Center of the Opposite Side
- Compression and Bending of a Symmetric Wedge by Concentrated Forces Applied to Its Vertex (Michell’s Problem)
- Bending of a Symmetric Wedge by a Concentrated Moment Applied to Its Vertex (Inglis Problem)
- Bending of a Symmetric Wedge by a Uniformly Distributed Load Applied to the Surface of One of the Faces of the Wedge (Levi Problem)
- Triangular Dam Subjected to Its Self-Weight and Hydrostatic Pressure
- Plane Subjected to a Concentrated Moment and a Concentrated Force
- Bending of a Curved Beam of a Narrow Rectangular Cross-Section by a Force Applied to Its Free End (Golovin’s Problem)
- Unilateral Tension of a Plate with a Small Circular Hole (Kirsch Problem)
- Stress-Strain State of a Simply Supported Circular Plate Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Transverse Load
- Stress-Strain State of a Clamped Circular Plate Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Transverse Load
- Stress-Strain State of a Simply Supported Annular Plate Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Transverse Load
- Rectangular Narrow Cantilever Plate Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Transverse Load
- Torsion of a Rectangular Narrow Cantilever Plate by a Pair of Concentrated Forces
- Square Plate Simply Supported along the Perimeter Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Load
- Rectangular Plate Simply Supported along the Perimeter Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Transverse Load
- Rectangular Plate Simply Supported at Three Vertices Subjected to a Concentrated Force and Concentrated Moments out of Its Plane
- Stress-Strain State of a Clamped Hexagonal Plate Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Load
- Clamped Rectangular Plate of Constant Thickness Subjected to Thermal Loading
- Simply Supported Thick Square Plate Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Transverse Load
- Two-Ribbed Beam Subjected to Uniformly Distributed Loads Applied in the Plane of the Ribs
- Curved Hollow Section Beam of a Bridge Superstructure Subjected to a Concentrated Force
- Cylindrical Shell with Simply Supported Edges Subjected to Uniform Internal Pressure
- Cylindrical Vertical Tank with a Wall of Constant Thickness with a Flat Bottom Subjected to Internal Fluid Pressure
- Cylindrical Shell with Free Edges at a Temperature Gradient across the Thickness (in the Radial Direction)
- Thick Square Slab Simply Supported along the Sides Subjected to a Transverse Load Distributed over the Upper Face According to the Cosine Law
- Thick Circular Slab Clamped along the Side Surface Subjected to a Load Uniformly Distributed over the Upper Face
- Cylindrical Body Free from Restraints Subjected to a Longitudinal Load Uniformly Distributed over the Edges
- Elastic Half-Space Subjected to a Transverse Load Uniformly Distributed over a Rectangular Surface. Love’s Problem
- Square Panel of a Flat Slab Rigidly Connected to a Column of a Circular Cross-Section Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Transverse Load
- Square Panel of a Flat Slab Rigidly Connected to a Column of a Square Cross-Section Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Transverse Load
- Determination of Internal Forces under Constrained Torsion of Thin-Walled Open-Section Bars
- Determination of Internal Forces under Constrained Torsion of a Cantilever Thin-Walled I-beam
Linear Dynamics
- Seismic Response of a Beam according to the Linear Spectral Theory
- Plane Truss Subjected to Instantaneous Pulses Concentrated in Non-Supporting Nodes of the Bottom Chord
- Natural Oscillations of a Spatial Pipeline Clamped at the Edges (Hougaard’s Problem)
- Simply Supported Weightless Beam with Two Concentrated Masses and Transverse Sudden Constant Load Applied to One of Them
- Simply Supported Weightless Beam with Two Concentrated Masses and Transverse Harmonic Exciting Force Applied to One of Them
- Simply Supported Weightless Beam with Two Concentrated Masses and Transverse Harmonic Exciting Force Applied to One of Them Taking into Account the Energy Dissipation due to Internal Friction
- Simply Supported Beam with a Distributed Mass Subjected to a Transverse Harmonic Exciting Force Applied in the Middle of the Span
- Simply Supported Beam with a Distributed Mass Subjected to a Constant Shear Force Moving along the Span of the Beam at a Constant Speed
- Simply Supported Beam with a Distributed Mass Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Instantaneous Pulse (Impact of a Beam with Immovable Supports)
- Simply Supported Beam with a Distributed Mass Subjected to a Kinematic Excitation of Supports (Seismic Action)
- Natural Oscillations of a Simply Supported Circular Plate
- Natural Oscillations of a Clamped Circular Plate
- Natural Oscillations of a Square Cantilever Plate
- Natural Oscillations of a Simply Supported Square Plate
- Natural Oscillations of a Simply Supported Rectangular Plate
- Natural Oscillations of a Clamped Square Plate
- Natural Oscillations of a Simply Supported Circular Cylindrical Shell
- Natural Oscillations of a Clamped Circular Cylindrical Shell
- Natural Oscillations of a Cantilever Open Cylindrical Shell
- Cantilever Weightless Column with a Concentrated Mass at the Free End Subjected to a Horizontal Kinematic Displacement of a Support (Seismogram Based Analysis)
- Plane Frame Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Instantaneous Pulse
- Non-uniform Damping. Return to the Static Equilibrium Position
- Non-uniform Damping
Pathological Tests
- Rectangular Plate under the Constant Stresses on the Midsurface
- Cube under the Constant Stresses throughout the Volume
- Rectangular Plate with Constant Curvature
- Rectilinear Cantilever Beam with Concentrated Longitudinal and Shear Forces and a Torque at Its Free End
- Curvilinear Cantilever Beam with Concentrated Shear Forces at Its Free End
- Twisted Cantilever Beam with Concentrated Shear Forces at Its Free End
- Simply Supported Flat Rectangular Plate Subjected to a Transverse Load Uniformly Distributed over the Entire Area and a Concentrated Shear Force Applied in the Center
- Flat Square Plate Clamped along the Outer Edges and Subjected to a Transverse Load Uniformly Distributed over the Entire Area and a Concentrated Shear Force Applied in the Center
- Flat Rectangular Plate Clamped along the Outer Edges and Subjected to a Transverse Load Uniformly Distributed over the Entire Area and a Concentrated Shear Force Applied in the Center.
- Simply Supported Flat Square Plate Subjected to a Transverse Load Uniformly Distributed over the Entire Area and a Concentrated Shear Force Applied in the Center.
- Nearly Incompressible Thick-Walled Cylinder under Plane Deformation Subjected to Uniformly Distributed Internal Pressure
- Free Hemispherical Shell with a Circular Pole Hole Subjected to Two Orthogonal Pairs of Mutually Balanced Radial Tensile and Compressive Forces Applied at the Equator
- Open Cylindrical Shell Rectangular in Plan and Simply Supported along the Curvilinear Edges Subjected to a Transverse Load Uniformly Distributed over the Entire Area
Linear Stability
- Stability of a Simply Supported Beam Subjected to a Concentrated Longitudinal Force
- Stability of a Clamped Beam Subjected to a Concentrated Longitudinal Force
- Stability of the System of Three Equally Loaded Columns of Different Rigidity Hingedly Interconnected by Girders
- Stability of the System of Three Differently Loaded Columns of the Same Rigidity Hingedly Interconnected by Girders
- Stability of the System of Three Differently Loaded Columns of Different Rigidity Interconnected by Girders Infinitely Rigid in Bending
- Stability of a Three-Span Two-Storey Frame Subjected to Concentrated Longitudinal Forces Applied to the Columns in the Joints with Girders
- Stability of a Circular Two-Hinged Arch of a Constant Cross-Section Subjected to Hydrostatic Pressure
- Stability of In-Plane Bending of a Cantilever Strip of a Rectangular Cross-Section by a Shear Force Applied at the Free End
- Stability of a Simply Supported Rectangular Plate Uniformly Compressed in One Direction
- Stability of a Simply Supported Square Plate Uniformly Compressed in One Direction
- Stability of a Simply Supported Square Plate Uniformly Compressed in One Direction under Kinematic Action
- Stability of a Rectangular Simply Supported Plate under Pure Shear
- Stability of a Rectangular Simply Supported Plate with Longitudinal Stiffeners Uniformly Compressed in the Longitudinal Direction (Model 1)
- Stability of a Rectangular Simply Supported Orthotropic Plate Uniformly Compressed in One Direction
- Stability of a Cylindrical Thin-Walled Shell with Simply Supported Edges Subjected to Uniform External Pressure
- Stability of a Beam of a Square Cross-Section Simply Supported in the Bending Plane and Clamped out of the Bending Plane Subjected to a Transverse Load Uniformly Distributed along Its Longitudinal Axis
- Stability of the Frame of Two Simply Supported Equally Loaded Rigid Columns Rigidly Interconnected by a Girder
- Stability of a Cantilever Column with a Step Change in Cross-Section Subjected to Longitudinal Compressive Forces Applied to the Intermediate and End Sections
- Stability of a Beam of a Square Cross-Section Simply Supported in and out of the Bending Plane Subjected to a Transverse Load Uniformly Distributed along Its Longitudinal Axis
- Stability of a Cantilever Beam of a Square Cross-Section Subjected to a Concentrated Longitudinal Compressive Force Centrally Applied at the Free End (Central Compression)
- Stability of a Rectangular Simply Supported Plate with Longitudinal Stiffeners Uniformly Compressed in the Longitudinal Direction (Model 2)
- Stability of a Cantilever Beam of a Square Cross-Section Subjected to a Concentrated Transverse Bending Force Centrally Applied at the Free End
- Stability of a Cantilever Beam of a Square Cross-Section Subjected to a Concentrated Transverse Bending Force Applied to the Upper Edge of the Free End
- Stability of a Beam of a Square Cross-Section Simply Supported in and out of the Bending Plane Subjected to Concentrated Bending Moments Applied at the Ends and Equal in Value (Pure Bending)
- Stability of a Beam of a Square Cross-Section Simply Supported in the Bending Plane and Clamped out of the Bending Plane Subjected to Concentrated Bending Moments Applied at the Ends and Equal in Value (Pure Bending)
- Stability of a Beam of a Square Cross-Section Simply Supported in and out of the Bending Plane Subjected to Concentrated Longitudinal Bending Forces Applied to the Upper Edges of the Ends and Equal in Value (Longitudinal Bending)
- Stability of a Beam of a Square Cross-Section Simply Supported in the Bending Plane and Clamped out of the Bending Plane Subjected to Concentrated Longitudinal Bending Forces Applied to the Upper Edges of the Ends and Equal in Value (Longitudinal Bending)
- Stability of a Cantilever Beam of a Square Cross-Section Subjected to a Load Uniformly Distributed along Its Longitudinal Axis
- Stability of a Cantilever Beam of a Square Cross-Section Subjected to a Load Uniformly Distributed along the Longitudinal Axis of Its Upper Face
- Stability of a Beam of a Square Cross-Section Simply Supported in and out of the Bending Plane Subjected to a Concentrated Transverse Bending Force Applied in the Middle of the Span at the Level of the Longitudinal Axis (Transverse Bending)
- Stability of a Beam of a Square Cross-Section Simply Supported in and out of the Bending Plane Subjected to a Concentrated Transverse Bending Force Applied in the Middle of the Span at the Level of the Longitudinal Axis of the Upper Face (Transverse Bendi
- Stability of a Beam of a Square Cross-Section Simply Supported in the Bending Plane and Clamped out of the Bending Plane Subjected to a Concentrated Transverse Bending Force Applied in the Middle of the Span at the Level of the Longitudinal Axis (Transver
- Stability of an I-beam Simply Supported in and out of the Bending Plane Subjected to Concentrated Bending Moments Applied at the Ends and Equal in Value (Pure Bending)
- Stability of an I-beam Simply Supported in and out of the Bending Plane Subjected to a Concentrated Transverse Bending Force Applied in the Middle of the Span at the Level of the Longitudinal Axis (Transverse Bending)
- Stability of an I-beam Simply Supported in and out of the Bending Plane Subjected to a Transverse Load Uniformly Distributed along Its Longitudinal Axis
- Stability of an I-beam Simply Supported in and out of the Bending Plane Subjected to a Load Uniformly Distributed along the Longitudinal Axis of Its Upper Flange
Nonlinear Statics
- Flexible Thread with Supports in One Level Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Transverse Load
- Flexible Long Rectangular Plate Simply Supported along the Longitudinal Edges Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Transverse Load
- Double-Guyed Mast Subjected to Static Loads and Prestressing Forces
- Three-Span Beam with One Clamped End and Three Rigid One-Sided Supports Subjected to Concentrated Forces above Them
- Rigid Body Restrained by Five Springs of the Same Rigidity Working Only in Tension Subjected to a Concentrated Force
- Contact with Detachment for a Layer and Subgrade with a Concentrated Shear Force Applied to the Layer
- Circular Tunnel Lining Subjected to the Given Active Vertical And Horizontal Earth Pressure and Passive Lateral Earth Pressure in the Contact Area
- Flexible Square Plate Simply Supported along the Perimeter Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Transverse Load
- Simply Supported Flexible Circular Plate Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Transverse Load
- Flexible Ring Subjected to Two Mutually Balanced Radially Compressive Forces
- Square Membrane with a Compliant Contour
Energy Analysis
- Static Analysis of Stress-Strain State of a Building Taking into Account Genetic Nonlinearity
- Determination of Stress-Strain State Taking into Account Genetic Nonlinearity (“Erection” Mode)
- Replacement of a Column of a Two-Span Single-Storey Frame Subjected to a Constant Load
- Sequential Erection of a Steel Reinforced Concrete Single-Span Beam
Response Spectra
Amplitude-Frequency Characteristics
Steel Structural Members
- Analysis of an Axially Compressed Welded I-beam Column
- Strength and Stiffness Analysis of a Welded I-beam
- Strength and Stiffness Analysis of a Rolled I-beam
- Strength and Stiffness Analysis of a Rolled I-beam
- Strength and Stiffness Analysis of a Rolled I-beam
- Strength and Stiffness Analysis of a Welded I-beam
- Analysis of an Axially Compressed Welded I-beam Column
- Strength and Stiffness Analysis of Stringers for a Normal Stub Girder System
- Strength and Stiffness Analysis of Stringers for a Complex Stub Girder System
- Strength and Stiffness Analysis of Secondary Beams for a Complex Stub Girder System
- Strength and Stiffness Analysis of Main Beams of Complex Stub Girder Systems
- Analysis of an Axially Compressed Electric Welded Circular Hollow Section Column
- Analysis of a Top Truss Chord from Unequal Angles
Reinforced Concrete Structural Members
- Strength Analysis of a Wall Panel
- Strength Analysis of a T-section
- Strength Analysis of a Rectangular Beam
- Calculation of a Rib of a TT-shaped Floor Slab for Load-bearing Capacity under Lateral Forces
- Calculation of a Simply Supported Rectangular Beam under Lateral Forces
- Calculation of a Column of a Multi-storey Frame for Load-bearing Capacity under a Lateral Force
- Strength Analysis of a Rectangular Beam
- Example of Punching Near the Edge of the Slab
- Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Foundation Slab for Normal Crack Opening